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Non-profits & Activism

36 Views · 2 months ago

سی روز سی سوال که کسب و کارهای دنیا را متحول کرد
روز پنجم تویوتا
⁣سی روز سی سوال که کسب و کارهای دنیا را متحول کرد
روز پنجم تویوتا
thealighorbani The caption should be read
"We're riding in a Lexus.. The car is heading
north at 200 km/h.. The gas pedal is stuck.
Brakes not working.. We are coming to a
crossroads... Keep us in your prayers
Prayer. (Heavy crash can be heard).
This is where the Toyota disaster started
These are the sentences that were heard on
August 28, 2009, on a telephone call to 911
(emergency assistance request in the United
States). Moments later, all of the passengers
in the car, including a 911 caller, were dead
When we talk about tielling the truth, is telling
the facts in a timely manner also an essential
part of tellng the truth?
Can a truth that has been brought up late still
be considered as a 'statement of truth"?

86 Views · 2 months ago

انتخابم از ویدی لینک چیست و چرا باید در ویدی لینک فعالیت کنم و چه کاری باید انجام بدهم ؟

40 Views · 2 months ago

تفاوت مدارس غیر انتفاعی و دولتی