
  1. Create Your Account (SignUp)

  2. Active your Email (check spam)

  3. Watch other people's videos

  4. Import Video from your youtube channel

  5. Your videos are seen by others

At the same time, we will increase the views of the videos to earn more money


Is Vidilink only for a specific group of people?

No, Vidilink is for everyone interested in content creation, from students to professors and anyone who wants to share their experiences and earn income through this platform. As a new platform, Vidilink aims to create a dynamic community and fruitful collaborations among all users, whether content creators or content consumers. With Vidilink, experience content sharing and earning income. If you have further questions or need more assistance, please contact Vidilink support.

If you need any further clarification or have more questions, feel free to ask!

How does Vidilink help me?

Connect with professors, students, and others interested in your field of work.

Showcase your ideas, projects, and experiences.

Be seen by audiences interested in fresh content.

How does Vidilink work?

Watch and earn points:
Simply by watching 10 videos daily on Vidilink, you can accumulate points. Each video gives a total of 200 points. (You receive 150 points for watching each video, 20 points for liking, and 30 points for commenting.)

Upload your own videos:
After collecting a total of 2000 points per day, you can upload a video from your content created on platforms like YouTube or Rumble and share it with others on Vidilink. This helps increase your subscribers and real views.

Earn income:
Vidilink also offers the possibility to earn income with low fees. Easily attract viewers and followers to your YouTube and Rumble channels through this platform, thereby monetizing your channels more actively. It's worth mentioning that you can receive income from YouTube and Rumble with minimal fees through contact with Vidilink support.

What is Vidilink?

Vidilink is a comprehensive social platform for content creation and earning income. It's a place where everyone interested in sharing ideas, experiences, and content comes together. From students to entrepreneurs, everyone can engage on Vidilink.